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About Sam

When Bob Dole resigned his Kansas Senate seat in 1996 to run for President, Sam, then a first-term congressman, immediately and breathlessly indicated that he would like to fill Dole's vacancy. Fortunately, Governor Bill Graves appointed Sheila Frahm instead. Unfortunately, she lasted only a few months until the primary election, when Sam defeated her in an unpleasant show of ultraconservative zeal.

In his public life from Kansas Ag Secretary to the present, Sam has championed the weakening of environmental protection laws, the preference of huge corporate agribusiness over the small farmer, the removal of government from business life and the simultaneous intrusion of government into the private lives of ordinary people. He is pleased to call himself a "New Federalist."

Mod Sam

Oh, and you must dig this photo of Sam in 1977 when he was groovy. As far as I know this is an unretouched scan of Sam's KSU yearbook photo. I cadged it out of an interview in the K-State Collegian, wherein Sam reminisced about his Mod Squad days bucking the establishment about student parking and stuff.

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