Ocean Snacks



  • Pineapple juice (or any flavor of juice you prefer)
  • Gummy worms (long ones!)
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Throw away plastic cups
  • Saran wrap


  1. Fill plastic cup with juice.
  2. Put 6-8 worms in the top of the glass so they are hanging over the edge.
  3. Poke popsicle stick through saran wrap. You will want equal sides of the stick showing on each side of saran wrap.
  4. Place saran wrap over gummy worms and cup.
  5. Freeze overnight.
  6. Enjoy your summer treat!

Sea Turtles


  • ½ green apple
  • 5 ½ green grapes
  • Handful Goldfish crackers
  • Black icing
  • White icing
  • Paper plate


  1. If you have a whole apple, cut it in half.
  2. Place ½ apple on a paper plate with the green side facing up.
  3. Put one grape on each corner of the apple, creating the legs.
  4. Put ½ grape on bottom of the apple for the tail.
  5. Make eyes on the leftover grape with the white and black icing.
  6. Place the grape on the top of the apple for the head.
  7. Sprinkle Goldfish around the turtle.